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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Nightmare Before Christmas: Ragdoll Sally

Today's Design is . . . 

NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! That is the name of today's game. So while I am studying for my French test tomorrow, I am gonna do some awesome Ragdoll Sally nails!!

Sally's dress is going to be the inspiration for these nails.

                               For this I am going to be using:

Finger Paints: base coat
Finger Paints: top coat
Finger Paints: Art Nouv-Yellow
China Glaze: Rich & Famous
Sinful Colors: Mint Apple
NYC: Black Lace Creme

It all starts with applying a lovely bit of base coat and the base colors.

I chose to do yellow for both the thumb and middle finger because the yellow was the lightest color that I was using. That is going to make it easier to do the patchwork for the thumb.

Speaking of thumbs, lets talk about that for a second. For this nail I am trying to make it look like all of Sally's patchwork dress. This means 4 colors in different splotches. For this I have a special nail tool that you can get at Sally's Beauty Supply for $8. It has a paint brush on one end and then a little metal pin head at the other end. I use the pin head for EVERYTHING!!!

This is what I did for the start of the 'patchwork'. I took the pin head end of my tool and dipped it into little spots of paint I put of a paper plate. I use my tool to make the outlines for the pink, black, and greenish-blue (what ever this color actually is) sections. Then I just use the brush that comes with the polish to fill the sections out.                                          

Then I used the pin head to out line the sections in black and used a seam ripper (ask you mom want that is if you don't know, they are at Wal-Mart for about $4 and make amazing straight lines, totally worth the $4!) to make the individual stitches.
Finally I did the ring, middle, and pointer finger designs. They are just copies of the pattern that are on the matching color sections of her dress.



  1. oh my gosh this is so cool!!! Your explanations are great!!

  2. and I really like the font
